Animals are Victims too


Wyoming Makes the Crime of Animal Sexual Assault A Misdemeanor

Wyoming passed HB 46, W.S. 6‑4‑601 in March 2021, which became effective

July 1, 2021.

Wyoming introduced House Bill (HB) 46 in the summer of 2020 with the goal of passing the law. HB was passed in March 2021 and became effective on July 1, 2021. Wyoming’s law made the crime a misdemeanor and if the person if convicted of the crime the person could be fined up to $1,000 and/or spend up to 1 year in jail.

ii) “Sexual act with an animal” means any act, between a person and an animal involving direct physical contact between the genitals of one and the mouth, anus or genitals of the other. A sexual act with an animal may be proved without evidence of penetration.
— Quote So

What the law does not talk about or deal with is the issue of evidence, can the person owe or adopt another animal after being convicted. While this is a great start. This law needs more to bring up to the standard of Illinois and Oregon.